Grant R. Stone

A ledger book with the name of Grant R. Stone, 1885 Oswego, NY on it, contains various business notations and what looks like an accounting of church finances.  The ledger is manufactured by Reynolds & Reynolds, Dayton, O and is known as Consecutive Book No. 4 1/3, Patented June 22, 1875.

On the inside cover is a hand written notation "Sales Book".  

The following is some of the notations in the book that might give a glimpse into life at that time.

1862  Wilmington, NC  May 1 -For value received, we jointly and severally promise to pay Conner Clark orders on demand three hundred and fifty dollars with interest.  (sig) G. R. Stone;  G. A. Snyder


1879  Albany July 1- H. B. Bryant and H. D. Stratton commenced business wit the following resources, gains, and loses to be awarded equally.

                                 Sold Robt Van Schaik for cash 100 yds print @ 11¢, 75 yds print @ 10¢, 20 yds ?? @ 95¢, 80 yds Lowell @ 10¢.


1879 Brooklyn April 1 - James Lester & Robert Brown enter into partnership this day as cabinet & furniture makers under the firm title Lester & Brown. 

                                      Mr. Lester transferring the assets & liabilities of a formal business and Brown an equivalent in cash as per terms contract.

                                      Jas Lester invest as follows

                                      Mdse                                  3000.00

                                      Material & unfinished work  2500.00

                                      Tools and implements            300.00

                                      Bal of David Owens acct       230.00

                                      Bal of Thos Webster acct       37.30

                                      Bal of T. Payell                     275.00


                      May 1 -   Sold Peter Jaminson cash 1 Sleepy Hollow Chair $18.00

                      May 15 - Sold C. J. Darby cash 1 set furniture $75.00, 1 Tete a tete $30.00, 1 Sofa $60.00

                      July -       Sold A. S, Low on acct 1 Rose tete tete $60.00, 1 Bedstead $20.00, 6 chairs $25.00, 1 table $15.00


1880 Oswego Feb 1 -   Commenced business with the following resources and liabilities take from the balance sheet of previous ledger.

                                     Resources  Cash on hand     $1822.20

                                     Bill receivable     $1171.50

                       Feb 1 -  Commenced business in the Boot and Shoe trade.  Resources - Cash on hand $2000.  A note signed by Jas H. Jewett and endorsed

                                     by R.  D. Sherman at $30 d's from Jan 10th last with interest at 06  interest due on the time.  Due from Dr. Jas P. Whiteand Geo Howard


                                     Liabilities - A note from L. B. Danforth and endorsed by T. B. Stanley $896.51 at 60 dl's from Dec 5th instant due on time from date.

                                     Due G. M. Warner on acct $293.11                     

                       Feb 6 -  Bot D. Bailey on acct 20 bbls sugar, 5000 lb @ 11.25¢

                       Feb 7 -  Sold J. T. Hoag on acct 5 bbls, 1250 lbs 12 1/2¢,  Rec'd in payment cash $100, Balance on accct $56.26.

                       Feb 11 -Paid my note of the 2nd instant cash $350.00

                       March 31 - Inventory Mdse.   100 bbls Flour @ $7.00, 50 bbls Salt @ $2.13, 600 lbs Tea 65¢, 800 lbs Coffee .25¢.

                                    Expenses Office safe valued at $250, Books 50.

                       July 1-   G. R. Stone commenced the grain Commission business investing cash $6000

                       July 2 -  Bot D. Woods for cash 2000 bu w. oats @45¢

                       July 7 -  Rec'd from G. H. Wheeler and acct of sales of the shipt made 3 rd inst.  My net proceed remitted in cash $435.


1889         August 18   List of Subscribers for Parsonage

                                    Harvey Burt    10.00                                    C. A. Stone      10.00                                    W. P. Owens         10.00

                                    W. P. Omans  10.00                                   Mrs. S. Rhodes 10.00                                    Chas. Stone            10.00

                                    Mrs. Wm. Burt  5.00                                  H. E. Stone         5.00                                     Mrs. L. Turner           5.00

                                    A. Whitemore    5.00                                  Heil Stone           5.00                                     Mrs. N. Guile            3.00

                                    S. Kane             3.00                                 Geo. Guile            3.00                                     Mrs. Mary Mattison  3.00

                                    Chas. Yule        2.00                                  Thos. Welch         2.00                                     Mrs. Stiles                 2.00

                                    D. H. Powers   25.00